Weight is a good buffer. I support you no matter what you weigh. My weight is all medical. It doesn’t matter what I eat. I can’t move. My thyroid quit working over 15 years ago. Plus I’m old. I no longer care.
Weight is a good buffer. I support you no matter what you weigh. My weight is all medical. It doesn’t matter what I eat. I can’t move. My thyroid quit working over 15 years ago. Plus I’m old. I no longer care.
Or Exhibit A, Rosie o’Donnell. No coincidence Trump can’t stand her. Although I still get hit on as big as I am. I haven’t worn mascara in years.
Fun fact: from a scientist’s perspective, weight and BMI have nothing to do with each other. You can be thin and unhealthy, and you can be fat and fit and healthy. And even more: the BMI got arbitrary limits and names. The BMI of “normal” was chosen as a reflection of what was socially acceptable as “normal”. If you…
You sound awfully dogmatic. I’m not so sure what is “absolutely true.” I suspect a lot of your opinion is bogus and aesthetic judgement rather than health evidence.
Oh look a concern troll. Fuck off.
nothing makes men angrier than a fat feminist who loves herself.