
Obviously, cause thy’re still here.

Well, that, and plus the Chinese were effectively locked out of any other type of employment.

If you have any basic awareness of IHL, it’s probably because you learned about the Geneva Conventions in school.

Because they aren’t part of a nation’s military, they are considered to be unlawful combatants.

Or people who never served or served decades ago. I served in the army from 2010 to 2015 alongside LGBT people and it never bothered me one bit. Even the religious folk who were against gay marriage and the like would accept an LGBT comrade if they did their job well.

“proves that they are just the same as American version.”

As someone navigating Tokyo trains on a daily basis I can assure you nobody has any tolerance whatsoever towards those ending their lives by train here.

I am pretty certain that their rail system is far and away better than the USA rail. For one, you can actually somewhere on the Japanese rail system on time.

I can’t believe the cab experience wasn’t drastically different after that crack opened up, at the speeds they travel. I’d expect wind noise and reduced performance for a given throttle setting. I’m thinking someone was in denial of the severity of the incident, or feared repercussions if he stopped unnecessarily.

I mean, people are people, but this doesn’t really prove much of anything. If nothing else, considering the pressures of timeliness and the likely amount of sound dampening in the cabin, it wouldn’t be very surprising that he thought it was only a small animal. Not that it makes too much of a difference. Whether they

Or, “I never dreamed I’d miss that idiot from Texas.”

seeing a heavily armored military vehicle just fucking book it down a city street in the middle of a Blues Brothers-esque car chase with the cops.

James Garner approves.

Practicing for the trump military parade. Kneel for the troops! These colors don’t run, they tank!

I guess that’s why he spends like 3 days a week at his golf clubs.

Standing next to the mayor of London, Sidiq Khan. A man who has had his own run ins with Trump.

I don’t think he’s stupid, though. Intentionally ignorant and incurious, yes, but not stupid. What he is, is a shrewd con artist. Which is far more dangerous than stupid. I think we underestimate trump at our peril when we dismiss him as stupid.

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo...

Mattis is the only person in that administration I legitimately respect still and I am still baffled how he has not either quit that shitshow or by the same token Trump has not fired him for not being a sniveling toady.

Dalmatians? Come on now. That’s clearly Louise Linton and Steve Mnuchin’s territory.