
I was raised in a very conservative family and remembered my mom telling me it was a compliment to tell someone from another country when they were speaking English really well. This is when I was around 10 or 11. So years later I’m working in a book store and ringing up a customer who looked Asian. He sounded like he

Yes, because it is a straw man to assume that caring about diversity means at the expense of excellence. It assumes that by seeking diversity, you are overlooking “better” white people when the point is to look further and draw from a larger pool. There is also a countless amount of research that shows that diversity

He didn’t even say “good morning,” he incorrectly said “good afternoon” and was corrected by the clearly unimpressed Rep. Hanabusa.

Later, when Zinke met Congressman John Lewis, he gave the salutation, “What up, my nigga!?”

Good algorithm. You two have a lot in common.

Mrs. Sullivan’s letter gets me every time. My heart breaks for her seventy years later. I cannot imagine her anguish when she heard the news, and her politeness and composure expressed in the letter speak to a grace that few people possess.

The Sullivans tragedy was so striking at time they made a movie about them....

Hey, David, you should check out Gerhard Neumanns’ story of driving from Asia to Israel by Jeep with his wife after WW2 ended. Neumann was a German who had to leave Nazi Germany due to his parents religion and as an engineer found his skillset to be super-useful in China; as an auto mechanic, he was a OG Jalop before

May I recommend “Ice cold in Alex”, I don’t think any movie has made me thirstier!

Yup, cheese crisps seem to be a pretty regional thing sadly. My dad was born and raised in Phoenix, and cheese crisps have always been a staple snack in my family. Our preferred hot sauce to go with them is jalapeño El Pato.

Pretty sure you’ve never heard of an autogyro. It is unpowered. All of the power is provided by the pusher prop on the back.

I don’t want to defend this guy. In fact, I despise that police are taught to protect themselves above others, but I don’t know whether charging in would have made this better or worse.

20+ years and I’ve never taken the least bit of offense to being part of the Dept of the Navy but when things look bleak I’ve always taken relief from the fact that at least I didn’t join the Army.

I’m guessing a staffer accidentally played Moonraker instead of Fox & Friends one morning? And I personally like this one better:

I am getting a surprising amount of mileage out of this one lately.

A fun story that didn’t make it into the article:

Opa told my dad, brother and me that the soldier who had given him a ride back in 1945 not only offered chocolate, but also the best Leberwurst (liverwurst) Opa has ever eaten.

It was so good, Opa said, that when he explored the world as a travel agent, he always kept

One of the finest by David Tracy.