
After watching Zero Motivation I wouldn’t put much faith in the Caracal Bn.

Is Gawker owned by PRC interests? A lot of Chinabot type articles lately it seems to me.

Gen Bloomer was also very deeply engaged in competing interests involved with the reuse of El Toro. It was a beautiful base and the scandals involved with the BRAC and all the different proposals and money invested since can make a book of its own. I grew up in Irvine and Tustin El Toro was my first duty station.

The lettuce in the salad gets a little dicey though. But after a month you rate the near beer and steel beach? ;)

I think that was only Robert Shaw in the movie but it’s still a good story considering the efforts the US put to getting their front line troops morale builders like cake or ice cream.

Similar to big dog or they stole the blueprints?

They reverse engineered HMMWVs a while ago. Guess they don’t want to copy the JLTV

I’m a fan of Lloyd. I don’t make the value judgement just saying it’s evident that many people don't go to the effort to pay to see his work or aren't fortunate enough to catch it on TCM so are completely unfamiliar with him. It's too bad. I liked his book of 3D photography he did later too!

Yes note many commenters have not seen his work. It’s because much of Chaplin and Keaton are in public domain and readily available for free on YouTube. I recall reading that Lloyd and his children have kept control which probably means more money for them but has kept his work out of the eyes of more recent

I’m going to have to dig out my old paperback but there is a passage talking specifically about the federation finding any kind of job like testing cold weather clothing as an alternative to military work. At least that’s the way I read it. It’s funny I guess despite the lack of “action” scenes maybe I have to admit

I still call it liquid paper. The young kids didn’t know what I meant. Just supporting Michael Nesmith’s mom!

I love his work but since he and his estate seemed to have been very careful about copyright you don't see his work as much as the others?

Elmer Gantry with Burt Lancaster was based on her.

Robert Graves! Yes. I have to admit that both Goodbye and PJ Caputo’s Rumor of War were very influential to me.

Now playing

I think Vonnegut’s thoughts on the military were more complex. From some interviews he did and his kinship with James Jones, Joseph Heller, etc I get the impression he was still proud of his service as a soldier. When you look at all of his works they are almost all tied back to his experiences in WW2. I recall an

Hmm. Could be but that takes some assumptions about what he was envisioning in his Federation. Since its apparent that many choose not to serve as Rico’s parents urge him to do then there must be a whole other “civvie” sector of society that is outside of the war machine. Perhaps the civvies are merely the Schindler

I would concur except I think it’s noted that while on active duty the Terran troops can not vote. The French called this le grande muette meaning the army was a mute force in not having any vote in politics.

Also people don’t notice the Mobile Infantry are a meritocracy free of racism and sexism. Rico is after all a Filipino! How many books written back then would’ve thought of that?