trigger happy police, this would never happen in europe. Better trained officers
The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.
It wasn’t very very naughty in the snow.
That shit is why people VOTE Republican. The quid pro quo is: we feed your white resentment and religion-based intolerance, and you look the other way while we create an oligarchy.
You forgot about guns, abortion and racism?
This tax bill is the ENTIRE reason for the existence of modern Republicans. There is nothing else there. They have accomplished exactly what they came to do.
Senator Marco Rubio seems to have only just now realized admitted that the bill isn’t so great thing after all.
They should stack up the wrecked cars on their lawn like bloody heads on a spike as a ruthless and savage example to outsiders.
He’s not on a speaking basis with reality.
it’ll be close to obsolete with how fast vehicle technology moves these days
A hybrid?
“I’m so sad right now look at my nephew”
Totally disagree; humans won’t be around in a thousand years.
That’s probably the second best line in the video after “Leeeeerrrrrooooyyyyyy MmmmmmJjjjeeeennnnkkkkiiiinnnnsss”.
“I’m comming up with 32.33, repeating of course, percentage of survival”
Leeeeeroooooyyy Mmmmjennnkiiins
I said good day!
Did you just ruin my christmas mr. Schreier? Yes yes you did. What’s next Santa isn’t real? Women are actually able to orgasm? Good day!
I wish I didn’t read this article. I never wanted to know it wasn’t real. My Internet Innocence died on Christmas. Sad trombone.