A Locomotive Called Jones

I would like my doctor to treat me to the best of his/her ability. Acting like House or Patch Adams isn’t exactly my concern.

Seeing as I’m a pro-choice right-wing type: Respect is earned. Being cared for doesnt somehow automatically include abortion. There is a compelling moral argument outside of the religious for and against the practice and if you can only see ‘but mah choice’ I’m sorry.

I do not need to like it, I do not even have to

Actually, *some* white people went into defense mode. Given that 249 million Americans identify as white I think the general consensus to the video was no one gave a flying fuck. Don’t believe twitter or the media as representing any one single race of people.

Fighting stupid with more stupid isn’t exactly a winning strategy.

so introducing frivolous bills when you don’t like what just pass is necessary?

wow a woman being passive aggressive, way to live up to the sterotypes.

I’m guessing none of you folks actually watch SP, ‘cause last season there was an ep that was pretty brutal toward Trump. Stone and Parker are not Trump fans.

Can I borrow some straw?


How many other Panthers players exhibited such poor behavior during and after that game? The rest of the team should be proud of how they competed and how they handled themselves after a devastating loss.

Let me guess: You love Cam Newton, though?

Yeah, white men shouldn’t have political opinions.

I feel like a lot of leftwing identity politics can veer towards ad homs. Like, it is good to be skeptical of people’s motives and there are a few black people who are very skeptical of Deray. Deray is going to get way worse criticism from black Baltimorians when he runs for mayor. I mean, Deray tweets about Spotify.

You know another thing that gives off a smell? A white male telling one of the top voices in a black social rights movement that their attempt to influence political change is selfish.

Deray has been all about building the Deray brand since the beginning of this thing. He’s a TFA kid from Bowdoin, if he wasn’t doing this he would be “saving the underprivileged” by collecting a 6 figure salary as an educational adminstrator somewhere after teaching for a year or two.

McKesson’s run for Mayor of Baltimore, as powerful a symbolic message as it might look to be, falls right into a long tradition of strident activism being replaced by a movement of the few directly into the what’s often called the “professional-managerial class.” A handful of notable individuals emerge from the

You wouldn’t have a child if it wasn’t for me

Porn stars’ husbands shouldn’t make fun of strippers.

I see your point but I have to second what RobGronks Party Bus Driver Said