
Yes to eggs and Hot dogs/sausages. Ketchup is it’s own food group.

I wonder, does going digital mean more non-automotive manuals will become available? I have most of the Haynes manuals for WWII German armor, aircraft, and the battleship Bismark. I started with the manual on the Tiger I tank years ago and added to them over time. They are well researched and a good reference source

This brings back memories of a list I found on the internet of alternative “truthful” company slogans. My favorite two on the list were: Red Lobster -”You’re just here for the biscuits.” and Campbell’s Soups - “M’mm, m’mm salt.”

As a 2007 Kia Sedona owner, I will just say this: I bought the car used with 62,000 miles on it in 2012. It now has 207,000 miles on it and I will continue driving it until the wheels fall off - then I will look for another one. I don’t have kids, but I like having the cargo space for if I find a great deal/sale while

5th Gear:

An M-72

Potato Chips and Cottage Cheese is a perfectly acceptable meal. If you’re really ambitious  - put the cottage cheese into a blender with an onion (red gives it a slightly pink shade)and add milk to thin to the desired consistency.

That would explain why on Youtube, various branches of the JSDF all perform the Space Battleship Yamato/Starblazers theme.

Both of the “destroyers” names reference old Japanese provinces.

Now feel the need to post this

I’m saddened by this story, no one thru a milkshake at him...

Alright, I’ll be the guy to point out that P-51's are land based and not equipped to land on carriers, so he’s doomed whether the plane’s on fire or not.

I will give credit to Wawa for how it handles emergencies. After hurricane Irma passed through SW Florida, gas stations became nightmares. Our local Wawa had at least 4 employees, (in reflective safety vests) with 2 way radios guiding cars in and out of the station. They moved the cars in line as soon as a spot

I usually go with option 2, but I did leave my car at the pump while I went inside (Wawa naturally). In my defense it was a Sunday afternoon and 3/4 of the pumps were empty, plus I was only going inside to see if any of the stuffed pretzels were still available. In and out in 5+ minutes.

That was my thought also when I heard “The Hunt” had been shelved. The same people frothing at the mouth about the film are the ones who would standing triumphant at the end of it.

Well played sir, well played indeed.

It seems to be, The one actual interaction I had with them was not bad, and they have always been nice and not pushy when I went for the gift cards. Of course, that was probably a year ago - so who knows now?

My experiences have all been with the Cape Coral store, but I agree with you about the ads - cut the price of the car, I’ll get my own TV or cruise.

Are you talking about Fucillo KIA? I have gone there whenever I get one of their flyers in the mail to collect my automatic $5 gift card. They don’t send those out as often anymore. I loved the fact that they would come running from the tent towards me, only to be told: “i’m just here for the gift card.”

“Oh Rose, there’s a Messerschmidt in the kitchen. Clean it up will yah?”