
As much as I’m tickled to hear from her gamer side, I also expect better of *LEADERS* than stooping to childish shit-flinging, good natured or not.

But if she KNEW about all of this before being hired, and still took the job anyway? Then she’s a scab, and rough treatment comes with the territory.

@Kotaku - this is the type of article that is causing & fueling the divisiveness that is eroding our gaming community and society in general. Shame on you - you are no better than the regular biased “news” channels. Hate mongering, crap slinging and finger pointing. Keep your agenda to yourself.

Uh, I didn’t imply that sexuality is a choice at all. I was pretty damn open that I respect a person regardless of their sexuality though, and that’s the choice I made.

I agree, I’m not supporting the mod maker, he knew exactly what message he was sending when he put the mod up for distribution. But it’s clear that the mod is something some people want to use in their own personal experience of the game and I’m conflicted about just outright hating them about it.

why do I have to care that someone is customizing their single player game to not see things they don’t want to in theirs?”

Maybe you don’t, but the mod distribution site this person used to disseminate their homophobic mod certainly can, and can tell that person they are no longer welcome to do so.

I have to agree with you. I played it on ps5 the flags didn’t bother me. Hell I didn’t even notice them tbh I was too busy actually playing the game. It is a single player game though what the flag is still representing what you believe and stand for in the single player experience of those that want to see it. So if

I’m gonna catch a lot of heat for this but here goes. If I can respect a person for their sexuality because who they choose to be with has no bearing on me, why do I have to care that someone is customizing their single player game to not see things they don’t want to in theirs?