
It’s weird that the worst countries in the world have a better handle on crypto bro culture than places that are far better to live in.

I always look up the factory reset procedure for a head unit in a rental I pair my phone to before I do it. If it can’t be done, I just use an aux cable.

You’re fine to use it if you delete your phone from the infotainment system before you return it. I make a habit of doing this when I’m topping off the tank right before return.

What really gets me is when you see someone in a newer and/or nicer car that you know has really great bluetooth connectivity holding their phone up to their ear or using the speakerphone while driving. Hell, even a Versa has bluetooth connectivity standard on the $15K base trim these days.

The network did this in order to not be sued. It is no different from cutting off the My Pillow Guy when he was ranting. Fox knows how to play the damn game; they have been running their bullshit propaganda since its inception. This network could not exist without Ronald Reagan’s removal of the fairness doctrine. 

I agree. I have spent the covid pandemic at my sister’s farm on the border of North West Arkansas and South West Missouri in the Ozarks because I did not want to be stuck in my apartment in LA with little room to move about while I was working remotely. Since my job is Los Angeles, I was very attune to LA county

Well, it is Arkansas. Do we really think it’s because the average AK citizen can’t find a way to get it, or maybe it’s for a different reason?

I’m not okay with it. It’s fucking MA where there is 0% open carry. These clowns where in tac gear with long guns out BEFORE the police arrived. MA state police are a load of shit wagons but this is fucking absurd behavior.

I thought I’d have more sympathy, but it turns out I don’t like armed larper groups with silly names no matter their skin colour.

You have seen the movie “Christine", haven't you?

Can we apply this to any company looking for a bailout? Seize the assets of the CEOs who have more than a few thousand bucks to their name.

The cruelty is the point. They never think this could happen to me, it’s always it sucks to be poor. The poor should have taken advantage of all the helping hands and stairways to success they took. It’s somehow a poor persons fault they ended up that way. Sure some of the time it is, but generalizing like this is

What if we built some kind of guide system for these autonomous trucks right into the road, so that the truck didn’t have to steer itself the whole time and can instead just follow a track, since there will be tons of trucks driving the exact same route? Then what if instead of just one tractor pulling one trailer, we

What is even the thought process on this? Vaccines will kill you, but not if I do it first?

“If at first you don’t succeed, add more concrete”

-The Civil Engineer’s Motto, according to every other engineering discipline

It’s like that, man. One second you’re chilling in a rooftop pool, the next you’re underwater in your Volkswagen.

That’s just silly. Around here it’s traffic in the rotary has the R0W. Period. Everyone else needs to wait.

Now playing

May I present to you Kelley Square in Worcester. This was before they just finished redoing it into a peanut-shaped rotary.

Pat Roberts went off on cops the other day, showing a Taser and a Glock and pointing out mistaking one for the other was nuts, saying “We don’t have the best people doing this job!!”

I do... I’d much rather have a physical copy of a movie I can watch at anytime and know that it won’t suddenly disappear from the line up on Netflix.