
Last year, we completed a road trip to CO and back from MA. While we did eat at the occasional McDonalds, for the most part we avoided sit down chains. We spent three days driving through MO. Had great BBQ in Jefferson City, wound eating up some great German food in Independence, MO.

otherwise known as the “failed monument to pyramid power”

though I hear he is at death’s door

By the power of K-car.

I am sure the Browns would find a way.

I run in private mode, so I don’t remember anything. 

Was Lahyani umpiring the match?  He could have talked him down. 

did you check in Alameda?

I nearly choked when I your comment.

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As a teenager, I thought you could do this. I learned it from “Hardcastle & McCormick”

They didn’t send their best in that case, 

What is the west coast equivalent of Hudson University? 

The main reason trains went slower outside of the NE Corridor was that the rail lines removed a lot of the mandated signaling equipment that permitted the highspeed travel. Without this equipment in place speed is limited to 79MPH. Fast for a freight train slow, for a passenger train.

There are also other purposes, in the winter I buy the cheapest non-stick spray, and put on the snow shovel when I have to shovel heavy wet snow. It makes it slide off without difficulty.

Also AFAIK the last Ford to offer a cassette player as an option. 

Now playing

My latest youtube timesink has been this German channel “Achtung Kontrolle” If you want to see up close how German Police handle speeders and other traffic incidents.

Plus Topeka KS parking enforcement

I had one for 16 years, I liked it. It had a good road feel, I finally had to retire it due to developing mechanical faults. 

Ladies and gentlemen, the Texas Rangers would like to remind you that April is testicular cancer awareness month.  Please don’t forget the importantance of a regular testicular exam.