
Yes, don’t forget Versailles(Ver-sails), Cairo(Cay-ro), and almost any town in New England(take your pick)

Here is an exclusive image of what was procured:

That or there is a continuity person on staff.

The Military Air Transport Museum by Dover AFB is actually pretty cool.

Nah. This was for the insurance money. Bobby Bonilla day is right around the corner.

also the coverage is really tape-delayed, just like the old days.

Maybe it is the shorts picking/pulling? ;)

it is a topsy tervy world. Al Bundy was the model father too.

Rosanne is just complaining because she wasn’t paid either.

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He will be missed for his unflagging support of the metric system.

Safe from bears perhaps, but not from Trash Pandas.

Yup, I have watched it many times. It was actually the first DVD(s) I ever bought way back in 1998.

The saying is : “The military protects democracy, it doesn’t practice it”

I met Jeff Katz at a book signing in Cooperstown, at the Fenimore-Cooper museum a few years ago. He is really fun to talk to in person.

There is that whole let’s help the Jews return to Israel so Armageddon comes school of thought.

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What have the Romans done for us lately.

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closed circuit footage of the production plant: