There are at least three buyers, I like mine. As you say the trunk is voluminous. I like the AWD and the V6 is nice enough.
There are at least three buyers, I like mine. As you say the trunk is voluminous. I like the AWD and the V6 is nice enough.
What are they going to about the police cars?
“law school gunner”? please explain
No press coverage, South Africa has/had a relatively open press, and also permitted foreign journalists during apartheid era. SA not so much.
you can send it media mail it is really cheap.
Yes, this was hammered home in my driving school.
It wasn’t my little pony.
Gas Stations where people don’t efficiently park in front of the pump they are using.* With a small car, it doesn’t make much different but with a SUV, it can make harder get to your pump.
tell me about. in some places it makes sense, like when I am turning right into my side street. If there is someone turning left I will let them go ahead, but otherwise no.
it is used to be make Calarmari, no wait that is hog anus.
It is a shame that the organizer couldn’t steer the festival back on track.
Just ignore the duct tape and tarps in the trunk.
Some never gave up on trolley buses.
or just add an e after the character to umlaut. this can be faster method if you are typing on an English keyboard and don’t want hunt around the extended characters.
even worse Nutriloaf.
Roundabout, what’s that? It is called a Rotary, like the good lord intended.
I actually knew a guy who owned a Samara, he swore by it. He said it was the easiest car every to fix.
a black hole?