
What about flying autonomous cars?

Plus Obama is from Chicago so he had to have a role to.

Don’t forget the three shells too. Let’s meet for a fancy dinner at Taco Bell, my wife keeps bugging me to go there.

Do they have a dedication for this famous RIO:

i’m not a scientist, but I work with them. I guess she is working with something so inert it doesn’t require proper PPE.

any tables involved?

Don’t forget insurance optional too.

Come on, just stop your NIT picking. There are bigger problems in the world.

Also the Magna-Steyr’s Putsch division run by another Austrian will remain inactive.

I guess you have never read the annual emergency room orifice articles on Deadspin?

For sale. Slight water problem, ran when parked. 4,000 dollars. I KNOW WHAT I HAVE, no discounts.

I can always listen to another astrocrats joke.

As a Canadian I am sorry for the dialogue being so Canadian.

He was later quoted as saying “hand to god. I didn’t do it “

I love the narrator’s voice, monotone and matter of fact.

Am I going to hell, for laughing way too much at this?

Jalopink uses its Torch to shine light into all corners of English motoring history.

VW CEO, sees article. forwards to engineering team.

Aren’t the cars GM isn’t selling, technically driverless too.

This isn’t Florida