
My mind read this in Sean Connery voice. Suck it trebek.

IOW if you can afford a Mclaren, it won’t break the bank.

This America, we don’t call them Torches, we call them Flashlights.

Refreshing normally only salespeople at dealerships pull shit out of their ass.

They held a kaizen event afterwards to discuss continuous improvement to cut down on waste.

He may have been incompetent as President.

He need to fly Oceanic

+1 grassy knoll

for anything zip ties, velcro wraps, get the brightest colors you can, not black. That way you can easily locate them when you are checking your room and leaving that you haven’t left anything behind.

and also learn how to turn your Camera’s flash off. You will less be obtrusive, and eventually instead of just preventing flash photography some places will just ban all photography.

There past years haven’t been kind to people named Jared.

I wonder if they would also complain about the VFD siren that can heard around town. In the rural area I visit, it sounds like a dying moose.

Just like this place?

I have no problem with this, if people want to pay it, then go for it. Since no public monies, aside from infrstructure and transportation spending, are being spent let them find the people willing to pay.

both of the local teams were so bad that you almost had no choice but to find another team to root for.

Having friends over who never have seen the “The Crying Game”

There is always a spot for Bobby B. He is to baseball, what the Spirits of St. Louis were to be Basketball.

I actually was looking for a Black Exterior, but I compromised to get the car I wanted. The Bronze Fire color doesn’t look too bad