
Of course all the jobs won’t be glamorous. Some poor ensign seventh class will have to mop the floors, especially after the brochure toting ambassador makes a mess. Then bam the ensign winds up in an escape pod; landing on a disease ridden planet with only a robot you find for company.

Came for this not disappointed.

Some people are overachievers.

I will meet you Midway on the +1

They will use nitrogen in the tires to ensure constant and correct pressure.

their odometer measures distances in millimetres.

Years of interest in Politics and History.

The Gray posts matter too.

Minor point:

He was later seen humming “I’m leaving on a Jet plane, don’t when I’ll be back again.

Nice composition in the last photograph, especially the contrast between the old and the new.

Yes, you are , look a squirrel, no a blue car

Bibendum does.


That and combined with realization I could be eligible for Social Security in 2035. I feel old..

In some places where it is really bad, they have resorted to alternating one-way traffic to ease the congestion

You got another 18 years to milk it.

Bobby b the only guy to come ahead because of Madoff.

Just a reminder, the highlight of Mets calendar is approaching quickly. Only 15 more shopping days left until Bobby Bonilla day.

Though some places there are restrictions on billboard next to interstate highways. Vermont for example doesn’t have billboards.