Almost Silent Bob



That's the thing. Usually english language remakes are of something that was already good (like Let the Right One In) and it seems kind of pointless. In this case, the Japanese version is kind of a train wreck and a big budget Hollywood version MIGHT actually be an improvement (emphasis on "might").

Aw man! Where are the spoiler tags! Now I'm not sure I even want to read it anymore.

Does it look like this?

Gadget from Rescue Rangers over Mrs. Brisby anyday

I actually like Greenwald quite a bit. I don't agree with everything he thinks but generally find him entertaining and a good interviewer. Chris Ryan, on the other hand, I find so obnoxious that I could never listen to Hollywood Prospectus before and The Watch now. I can't think of one opinion he has had I agreed

The scariest part was I thought the main character girl was pretty hot and also 16ish. Then I got home and looked it up and found out the actress is like 20. I'm only a garden variety creep and not a pervy creep, so crisis averted.

Roll credits. Ding.

Everyone knows Quantum Entanglement can't transfer information. What this article presupposes is, what if it could?

He would just drop out for Bill Corbett halfway through anyway.

Tool is like Nine Inch Nails for me in that I don't like 85% of their music but the 15% I do like I fucking love. Usually any band where I like even a couple songs that much I will think the rest of their music is at least ok. Tool has a whole bunch of shit and a couple god damn masterpieces.

Did anyone else think Toni disguised as a man looked exactly like Justin Long with a handlebar mustache?