Fuck off.
Fuck off.
But given that the youth vote has always been pathetically low, I don’t think they bear the majority of the blame.
pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child
Chill, child.
Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything
During college, I remember hating people who claimed college would be the best part of my life. It made me feel both that I should be having a better time/should be grateful to be at college, and that I should be rating the years of my life from best to worst.
Did he give you a book about shaving?
Idiotking's statement was about motivation. I don't see evidence that the motivation is normalization rather than to benefit the child. And I don't really care whether or not you "see" it as "frivolous or flippant." These are meaningless words that are just continuing to insult the people who make these decisions. …
Explosive growth is to be expected if a drug is effective in treating a real problem, especially as awareness increases. The fact that a drug is used is not in any way evidence that it is misused.
1. " I don't think the kids should be medicated just to fit an increasingly narrow social design." I don't think so either, but I don't see any widespread evidence that they are.
I was in high school when the Columbine shootings happened, and a few days later my history teacher came in with a couple of photos of himself as a teenager. He wasn't exactly everyone's favorite teacher, but he was generally likable and mellow, fair, almost never lost his cool. He started passing around these photos…
A pox upon you for liking any non-Watterson, bastardized, "oooh look at my co-opting of a priceless cultural property for cheap emotional reactions!" bullshit strips. *smack*
I wasn't attacking you, I was attacking your claim. You put the burden of proof on yourself in this conversation by making a positive claim. As far a burden of proof regarding the larger issue of if the drug has more benefits than risks, I think the many studies that have been published more than adequately puts…
The more one spends time with kids who could really use medication and spend their days miserable (at some level, they know they are out of control and you can see it upsets them) because their parents still see using medication as somehow morally inferior, the less patience one has for hypothetical accusations of a…
Sorry, it is awful. It is stupid almost-superstition anti-science thinking that would rather see a world where chemically unbalanced children spend their entire childhood anxious and suffering just because it is more "natural." Whosever made that strip has no understanding of the proper role of medication, and while…
Ugh, you are correct in asserting the terribleness of that fake C&H comic. It is atrocious on so many levels.
In one of the collections (IIRC, the tenth anniversary book), Watterson wrote that our view of Calvin's parents is limited because we only see them from Calvin's perspective (which is why they never got names), but that he tried to show that Calvin's mother had a variety of interests by having her working on something…
That's your personal experience. It is possible to have loving parents and supportive friends and still feel lonely. It is possible to be crowded by people who love you and you still feel lonely. And you don't retreat to a world of fantasy unless you are unsatisfied with the real world. And neither one of us has been…
@wre4444: Except that the moon and especially the stars affect your body so slightly that any affect would easily be overwhelmed by what position your mother was in when you were born.