
Right now my main issue isn’t pain anymore. Since being on BC the flow and pain has decreased DRAMATICALLY. My problem now? Near suicidal depression that lasts the week before my period. I’ve always struggled with depression and anxiety but only recently have I pinpointed that it gets unreasonably worse the week

Ok, this is pretty hippie, but mine has been helped with unsulphured blackstrap molasses. It literally cuts my bleeding and pain in half. The theory behind it is that many women are deficient in iron and minerals and weirdly the body responds to that with extra bleeding. Another option is iron pills, but I never can

I heartily endorse big-hipped women wearing bodycon dresses, in that the last time I wore a bodycon dress, literally every comment from my friends was ‘OMG YOUR CURVES’. Aw yeah. Also, I heartily endorse everyone wearing whatever the fuck they want at all times (unless you are wearing a pelt made from the skins of

Ya’ll gonna catch something

I’m a movie geek and you wouldn’t believe the amount of people who justify Allen’s behavior with; “She’s not his real daughter.”

I have something similar. I don't think I'm gorgeous, but alone in the bathroom, I'll look in the mirror and be like "Niiiiice, you are so adorable." But I walk out the door and immediately fell as if everyone is giving me side-ways glances because, holy cow, did I *choose* to leave the house looking like this? I call

We were just talking about her last night. Everything had butter in her food. Lots of fucking butter. I swear one time on her show she literally said "IF IT DOESN'T TASTE RIGHT JUST ADD MORE BUTTER. BUTTER FIXES EVERYTHING." She would add extra butter to her butter.

I laughed at the tapered pants too, and now I love them. But there's a different harbinger of doom that I dread more. Is it just me, or are we heading back to the days of ill-fitting shirts with shoulder seams that reached your elbow? The horror! I really like clothes that fit me. I'm hoping that fashion won't

What I want to know is- WHERE ARE ALL THE PENISES??! Hollywood sex is often a woman stripping naked while standing in front of the man, and the man managing to keep his pants on through the whole thing. That could not be further from most people's reality.

Oh here it is. Thanks, internet!

Absolutely incredible story. Thank you so much for sharing it. What an amazing journey.

I didn't enter this in the original, because it's really not my story to tell, but it was the single grossest experience of my life. And I deal with explosive bottom kittens and cats.

My brother likely has a cow's protein intolerance. I know this because my daughter does too and his symptoms match hers exactly. My

Last night someone posted that, another picture, and then a video where she was being held. In the video she talked to the camera with no explanation of why she was being held. That is a lot of, I need to be held like a baby occurrences. I 100% believe this rumor now.

YESSSSSSS! I told you all! There is even a blanket involved!

On the other hand, THIIIIIIIIS.

Cat shit can be extremely dangerous to both pregnant women and newborn babies. So stop being a twit. Seriously.

Sent to jail for abandoning her kids? That's rewarding candy theft with ice cream.

This happens every single time. It requires two really stupid, irrational beliefs: 1. Women are really fucking crazy and out to ruin the lives of good men, like it's a thing we just do. 2. Sexual predators choose wily, guarded victims, because they fucking love a challenge.

I believe her too - and about being pressured by Cosby's lawyers, etc. and why it was not put in the book. The fact she was able to keep being creeped out by him at all in her book is amazing.