
Its no secret that all major airports are using these scanners. Nor it is a secret that if you refuse the scanner you will be subjected to a pat down. In fact, a lot of air ports have signage to this effect that is visible before you enter the security area. If you choose to fly, you choose to submit to these

I don't disagree with anything you have said.

I am more than happy to give up my 2 discs a month in order for a cheaper plan.

Except for the men claiming to be women.. which is another problem. :)

Invite sent. I would delete the email from your request (if you still can).

I figured this move was coming after all the complaints about being required to make your gender public. Google just wants people to use their service, and if they have to sacrifice a little functionality in order to gain the trust of a few more potential users, so be it.

I guess they can't take the chance that some crazy person would use their kid to smuggle dangerous substances on board a plane.

Going through the scanner also exposes you to less radiation than a cell phone call. It is also slightly less than standing in front of a functioning microwave oven. The couple of second in which you are bombarded with particles (it doesn't stream continuously) when you step into the scanner is no more dangerous than

There is no indication that the TSA either made move to touch the child or indicated that they were going to touch the child.

The First Amendment prevents other people from taking away your right to say what you want. However by signing a contract you are choosing to give up the right to talk about specific subject.

As much as I dislike the TSA, I think this one is the fault of the woman for over-reacting.

And who gets to pay for that fiber? People who don't care about internet service will complain about paying for something they don't plan on using. People in city centers complain about the added expense it costs them in taxes to run miles and miles of cable through un-populated lands to reach the "last mile" folk.

I will start out by saying that I don't like data caps either. I think they are a mistake and will hinder the development and adoption of new technologies.

The way the article is phrased makes it seem like the train continued on its path with some difficulty, however the exact opposite is likely true. Most likely the train was trying to stop and couldn't for half a mile.

If you have something weighing in at around 2500-12,000 tons hitting a garbage truck isn't going to spend its inertia. In fact, assuming the train didn't apply its breaks it probably could have shut its engine off and still gone through a dozen garbage trucks and a small building before coming to a stop.

"The train even managed to continue down the track for half a mile before stopping."

I am just mad that a stun gun was allowed on a plane, but I couldn't bring my bottle of water.

You could achieve just about the same amount of security and not force cancer survivors to remove their breast pads or grope little children... just sayin'

Sprint might. Sprint's policy is to unofficially, officially support rooting.

There really isn't a "wall" on Google+