
This morning, before they corrected the article it read "There's no official Facebook app on Android, so you'll have to make do with either the website or an unofficial app.

This morning, before they corrected the article it read "There's no official Facebook app on Android, so you'll have to make do with either the website or an unofficial app.

No Official Facebook App for Android?

What ever happened to banks offering services that weren't profitable in order to entice people to open other accounts with them?

To each their own I guess. But I have broken dozens of headphones since I got my iPod. I would be kinda pissed if I paid for a device and couldn't use it because my headphones broke and I couldn't easily acquire new remote headphones to use with it. Nor would I want to continually by new pars of remote headphones

Is it just me, or do the graphic just seem not that far improved over the 8 year old Knights of the Old Republic?

Wow robots can do things faster than a human? You don't say. Wow.

All this gameplay is amazing, however I am more interested in the story than the gameplay. Bioshock's gameplay was OK (nothing groundbreaking) but the environment and the story that took place in that environment is what made the game amazing.

There are actually hundreds if not thousands of powered portable speakers available for the iPod and other MP3 players. They range in price from around $1 to over $500 and come in all kinds of shapes and sizes.

Especially for $40. I have a pair of dollar store speakers that work as well as these cones would and do not require batteries. I also have a cheap $10 pair of foldable speaker that runs of 4AA's and sound 20x better.

Actually they aren't selling you indestructable speakers, the "speakers" are completely breakable because they use your rather fragile iPod headphones as the source of their sound. All they are selling you are a set of silicon amplifying cones, and for $40 you would be better off using two paper or styrofoam cups, the

These are going to be the shittiest sounding $39 speakers you have ever used. Plus they are only guaranteed compatible with Apple's current gen of iPod headphones.

Some of these methods do help you control your debt. When I got out of college I had a lot of debt built up from stuff I had to buy for school, or from problems that came up that my paychecks while going to school couldn't handle.

At least in G1, you could tell the robots apart. The Bayformers are such a random assortment of jagged parts and small moving shapes that when there are several of them moving at once on-screen it is very difficult to tell them apart.

Hopefully this game is more like War for Cybertron, and less like previous Transformer movie tie-in games. WFC was fun, despite some annoying technical problems as some poor gameplay decisions.

Paying off cards each month is not always an option for some people. While I agree that a lot of people abuse credit cards and they deserve what they get, sometimes you get hit by an emergency and need to turn to your credit cards to pay off an unexpected bill.

Credit cards are great sources of cash in an emergency. With a credit card you can have $2 in the bank and still be able to pay for a car repair so you can get to work the next day.

For all the people who keep saying stuff like "Just don't spend money you don't have" or "Just pay it all off at the end of the month," you guys obviously aren't living in the same world as millions of people around the world.

I wouldn't say that the BoD of Microsoft isn't remotely interested in a merge, but I agree it wouldn't make sense to merge MS & Apple as it would be too big of an Apple for MS to swallow. But I don't think we are talking about realities here, I mean the original story was about Branson saying he would love to merge

Yeah Virgin does a bit of everything don't they. However iTunes is a big competitor to Virgin Megastores, Virgin Books, Virgin Entertainment and to a lesser extent Virgin Media. Also I am sure Virgin Mobile providers would love to get their hands on a Virgin iPhone.