
Flash isn't dead. Stop drinking the Apple-flavored Kool-aid.

The compact style looks cool, if they are just moving the URL bar to the tabs, instead of having a separate area beneath them for the URL.

refreshing doesn't work when I get the error, I have to navigate to the same article (if I really want to read it) through the re-designed

I am in the US, so ALL Gizmodo content is available to me. However sometimes I use the ca.gizmodo site in order to avoid the clusterfuck they call an "improved experience."

Or... you could list a header.. like "iPhone Apps" and then list all the iPhone Apps, then have another header for "iPad Apps" and list all the iPad Apps.... kinda like what Gizmodo already does?

Anyone who said it wasn't was just trying to sell you something.

Or you could just divide them by section, so people looking for good iPad Apps can find iPad Apps faster, and people who have iPhones can find iPhone Apps faster. Just because you have one iDevice doesn't mean you have both and having to pick through a list of Apps you can't use just to find the handful you can is

@vein11: Not all iPhone Apps are optimized for the iPad, and likewise not all iPad Apps work on the iPhone. That is why there are separate lists for each device.

@Pure87: Whenever I use to view the site the way it used to be before the suck, half the articles don't load when clicked on. I get some crap error page instead.

But once the bubbles are popped you are just left with an ugly, boring tie. :(

Those footpads looks.. dangerous. There is no reason for the sharp corners nor for the gap in the center. And come kind of friction tape wouldn't be amiss either.

@Inphoarius: They make wheelchairs that approach a standing position and balance in a similar manner to a Segway, however they still have 3-4 wheels. The two that come to mind are the iBot and the Combi.

I would lay the blame for that at the feet of the executives that thought such a move was a good idea.

I agree to a certain extent.

4G battery usage has gotten better on the EVO since the phone first launched. It no longer sucks my battery dry in under 2 hours. Also 4G was never intended to be used all the time (if you have coverage), it was more a "turn this one when you need it" feature.

I worked in a grocery store for 10 years and I saw the same kinds of things that this guy describes at the Apple store, except substitute Apple products for food products, and drug dealers for WIC & Foodstamp scammers.

"Ah, but the music industry doesn't provide music."

It is unfair to blame casual games for their own success. Obviously a lot of people have wanted to play simple, fun and time-absorbing games for a long time and their needs weren't met. Now that developers have identified these potential customers there is no reason to get mad at them for catering to these customers.

That is true, but most average consumers aren't going to want to root their device unless the device isn't working in some way.

Did anyone actually think Sony would pull their catalog? It was never going to happen no matter how annoyed at Apple Sony became.