
Forcing people to work without compensation has been illegal since 18 December 1865.

>1) straight women have NO PLACE in gay/lesbian bars.

>We all know how scarily litigious Scientology is

According to my gay friend who visited a few years ago, the little old ladies who run the Liberace Museum get mighty prickly if visitors bring up the whole gay thing.

>[Moore] isn’t a pedophile.

“Transgender people are subject to disproportionate police violence.”

I thought we were supposed to let Alabama voters decide if pedophilia was okay or not.

>They want the benefits of what others pay for, without having to pay for it themselves.

Several. Well, I did’t bother with Roy Blunt. Obviously.

Alabamans are going to elect Roy Moore. Again. They’ve done so twice already, notwithstanding Moore’s being removed from the bench for multiple ethics violations.

You expected otherwise from Alabama Republicans?

>He is the human equivalent of a hemorrhoid.

Doesn’t Roy Moore already represent Alabama?

I can’t even tell you how many times I was “shushed!” for saying Obama should have reverse-fucked McConnell and made a recess appointment of Merrick Garland, daring the Republicans to try to take Garland off the bench.

>Speaking of Giuliani, man, where the fuck did that guy go?

Too bad conservatives don’t love their country more than they hate liberals.

Oh ferfuksake, nobody’s “on the fence” between Moore and Jones, and nobody’s going to be “tipped over” to Moore by a Late Night TV show stunt.

Yes, but he 100% supports more transparency.

He looks like a toxic megacolon with a wig.

>Whatever our beliefs, we know that the birth of Jesus Christ