
I’d be much obliged if you’d ungrey me, Ms Sechet.

>since the shitweasel university president thinks it encourages civil discourse (how delusional is he?)

LGBT Americans enjoy no protection from discrimination at the federal level, or at the state level in Ohio.

But here’s what an awesome human being could have said:

And when Pence becomes president, these fucking posters are going to represent “the good old days” for LGBT Americans.

>They don’t have a choice in the matter. They have to ban all posters or none.

Harvey’s face would be what happened if Picasso’s medium was exclusively mashed potatoes.

Exactly — “Ivanka Punk” is $700 faux distressed cords, worn once and thrown in the garbage.

>Me theory is that he’s gay and in the closet. The only way hatred towards LGBTQ people runs that deep is if it’s tied to self-hatred.

Did it look like the guy on the right?

Yeah, this is Session’s version of Trump posturing with a rainbow flag.



This is indeed true.

Well, then I’m equally glad you made your exceedingly poor argument with a great deal of unnecessary condescension and rudeness. It helps to underline the fact your argument is not persuasive on its own. 

I live in one of those midwestern states generally regarded as worst offender let me assure you: It’s not our fault!

In my city, a pet license is $10. We’d be better off if municipalities made ordinances requiring that every intact domestic animal possessed by a non-certified animal shower/breeder requires payment of a...let’s say “robust” and aggregating annual fee, waived upon proof the animal is spayed or neutered.

Yeah, and in a perfect world couples would adopt all the existing unwanted children out of orphanages rather than propagating their own super-special genetics. But even so, I don’t go around self-righteously shaming couples for choosing to have children together, ferfuksake.

Because some people want different things than you want, and they make different choices than you make.