
The mums would like to speak to Kate Hudson’s manager.

“Ultimately, the real problem is feminists,” hm?

That’ll buff right out.

>I admit, I’m a bit jealous she’s gotten such a big job before she’s 30

Also tiresome...the unethical religious nut who insists that that, deep down, they’re a really good person with nothing to apologize for.

The Lion and the Cobra is one of the greatest albums of all time. Yes, really.

Those make fun floaties.

>But it’s okay when women use dildos.

Mick Fleetwood certainly believed Oh Daddy was about him, which is why that meh song made it onto Rumors while the brilliant Silver Springs was cut and eventually ended up as a mere b-side.

Here’s another fact that few will acknowledge: virtually every person Trump has appointed has been, or is currently associated with an antigay hate group, or at a minimum has publicly made some very nasty, homophobic statements hostile the very idea that LGBT people are entitled to the same rights as...well, people.

>Put it right next door to my Atheist Donut shop; no X-tians will be served.

Well played.

Remember when saying something that demented in public would guarantee that you wouldn’t get a cabinet appointment?

How much more user-hostile can you make this system?

I doubt they’re “giddy.”

That’s one of the best things I’ve ever read.

Except they did get rid of him, didn’t they?

If in 2017, your church is engaging in institutional bigotry based on a person’s identity, maybe it time to realize your church is quite not as “big on social justice” as you imagine.

>police in the US are very militarized