Al Mata

When you play the Game of Thrones, don't play against a 10,000 year old undead Night King.

I love that it was Drogon and Gilly that finally revealed that Jon is a true Targaryen.

You mean the GRRM that ends many of his chapters with cliffhangers? Or the same GRRM that resurrects characters?

House Lannister experienced a second Field of Fire tonight and it went as well as the first one did! After years of seeing those smug snakes win it was therapeutic to see them crushed.

Which is why in true Cersei fashion, she will bungle it up. Instead of paying up she will insult the Iron Bank which will lead them towards Dany. Despite what Euron says, Braavos probably has the largest fleet in the world.

If you are all wondering where Dany will get more ships from, just remember this: The Iron Bank Will Have It's Due.

I'm not sure who took a bigger beating tonight, Dany's forces or Benioff and Weiss with the #NoConfederate backlash!

And in the next weeks preview, that HAD to be Nymeria, right? I rewound and that was a grey wolf.

It was a close call, but Arya Stark tonight just barely nudged out Lyanna Mormont for the award for Little Miss Badass. The North Remembers and Winter Came for House Frey.

There may be few things funnier than an unlucky Leprechaun. I particularly liked when he racked his nuts on the police cruiser's door.

Sansa and Littlefinger look like they are plotting something. Dark Sansa is inevitable.

He can't Walk No Line!!!

Like Britta, NBC is the WORST.

So much shipping to be done with Tormund and Brienne. The Husband to Bears and the Maiden Fair!

" I calls you Chris HANDSOME"

Is that dude Paulie Shore's lovechild???

Dutch from "Soap" (BS:G's Doc Cottle) will always be The Best Dutch!

Yar. Sometimes I wonder why I bother plundering at all!

When you call them, they don't run. Dead puppies aren't much fun.

He better hope that the judge doesn't pull an Aerys II and select FIRE as the court's champion else this lawyer will be roasting his nuts over an open fire like Lord Rickard Stark did!