
not fair! At the end of 31 day months there are 2 odd days in a row.

Don’t forget that he’s also an anti-Semite and a sexist douche.

Thank you for writing this, Paul. I often struggle with body-image issues; it’s sad how illogical we think about our bodies as a society. Even if my annual physical goes very well, I still feel like I should lose weight.

Fuck it, man. Fuck it good.

So sorry man. My wife has made it through breast cancer twice, I know I am amazingly lucky to still have her. Best wishes to you in the days going forward, from an internet stranger.

Lost my uncle on Sunday. Amen to this.
Gabe is just an inspiration. She was outstanding at every level. I remember her at Perham High School (MN), where she led her team to a state championship. If there’s a heaven, she’s running again today. 

Lost my wife of 20 years to breast cancer one month ago. She fought it 3 separate times. Cancer can go fuck itself!

Wow, she is an inspiration and it fucking sucks she lost her battle. I lost my husband to cancer 15 weeks ago tomorrow. It’s an exceptionally cruel disease. Fuck cancer, fuck it so much.

Last week was the one-year anniversary of losing a good friend of ours very suddenly. She left behind a husband and three children. It still hits me hard every couple of days and it’s all I can do to keep from ugly-crying in public. I hope Gabriele’s family and friends can find peace and comfort through their grief as

For what it’s worth, this is from the Astros’ game thread on Reddit:

“She is going be OK according to my mom. She was 4 rows away and just talked to security guard who said they are taking her to hospital for precautionary but early signs are good.

But how did she...

Oh, it will be Obama’s fault somehow. 

Personally, I think it’s extremely good and not horrifically scary that our country is run by a grotesque cabal of sundowning racist grandpas.

Dave Martinez is probably not a great manager, but he’s been given nothing by ownership or the front office. He’s going to get fired, but I’m not sure I can even fairly judge him.

See, you do need good guys with guns!

I hope he said something cool as he took the gunman down, like “sorry, son. You just entered a Lowe security area.”

He should try basketball instead; says he likes it, and that gif shows him in fine form to coach Indiana.

Thanks Sen. Collins & Flake! And Mitchy as well. Roe v. Wade will be overturned in my lifetime, and its all because of states that take in more tax dollars than they pay setting the agenda.

I love that he has to keep serving fast food because everyone made fun of him for it once, and he is constitutionally incapable of allowing even the implication he might have been wrong by serving better food now.