
The Patriots would never bend the rules like that.

I’m fucking sick of people calling this country “divided,” as if the differences between the sides- for lack of a better term- is something that is able to be overcome with respect or something.

Lindsey Graham: “I am a single white man from South Carolina, and I’m told I should shut up. But I will not.”

And this farce is what we allowed to happen by “not being inspired” by our candidate, or going “Bernie or bust,” or believing there’s no way in hell Trump would ever win, that there aren’t that many people gullible enough to vote him in.

We’ve had many low points in this country over the last two plus years, with irreparable damage done to millions of people, in all demographics (with the exception of white, straight males, of which I am one). That hearing is in the top 5 lowest moments, potentially the lowest moment. The fact that a woman, an

If you watched Dr. Ford for more than 5 seconds, you knew that she was credible. I felt her words more than heard them - it’s more than plain to see that she still carries that trauma, that assault around with her everywhere. Probably always will. Her whole testimony was like watching someone try to walk with a broken

This is such a good burn.

Ah, yes, the “he makes way more than us, and we work hard too” argument. My favorite.

They are this in shoe form:

i love explaining to people that “obamaphones” were started under the telecomunicatiosn act from 1934, which was updated and became allowable to be used for smart phones under George W. heads explode.

I haven't been paying attention. I've been busy picking out my new farm in South Africa. Took it from some white couple.

It’s possible. But it’s not the first time I’ve heard or read some racist morons reference these mysterious groups of Blacks rioting and looting in the streets. Insinuating that it’s going on nationwide, and not just some one-off incident of social unrest, offering zero context on the possible cause in St. Louis.

Ha! Literally let out an audible snort just now. lol

It’s happening constantly on Fox News. I think they just run a loop of stock footage for every bump or interstitial. 

This woman believed herself to be reporting a rioting, shooting and/or looting.

I have a black friend, it’s cool.

Make sure to call me on my free Obama phone with the deets.

I will join you at the riots as soon as I get my Soros checks.

You see, some blacks rioted and looted 50 years ago, so its obviously a big problem.