Maybe the NFL can get some fucking tips from the NBA on how to deal with obvious head injuries.
Maybe the NFL can get some fucking tips from the NBA on how to deal with obvious head injuries.
Say this for my generation, sure we may not have done much to prevent the slow decline of our civilization or stave off the imminent environmental catastrophe that will imperil our grandchildren but...we made some fucking funny signs.
That right there is the definition of going to a fight and then a hockey game breaks out.
Healthy? Probably not. Profitable? Hell yeah.
This is, obviously, a major blow to Kangol.
It has to be uppity black people. It certainly isn’t the cost of tickets/parking/concessions; poor responses to domestic violence and brain trauma; that no one knows what a catch is; that the league’s punishment is inconsistent and makes the commissioner look like a idiot; that the league has saturated the market with…
Um, how is this a surprise? The entire point of the game is to Mate.
Just want to say thank you for all your work, especially your incredible investigative pieces year after year. Deadspin is a great place for dick jokes and making fun of Austin Rivers, but for me, no author’s byline here commands as much attention as yours.
Those final two minutes was probably the most insane last two minutes this season. Also, speaking on catches, that Gronk catch was absurd as someone that big should not be that nimble.
Can Deadspin just start calling them the Washington Redhawks from now on?
He displayed what is called the fencing response, where your body becomes immobile and you freeze your arms. This is a tell tale sign you have just become concussed.
Shouldn’t it be “if Joe Flacco WASN’T awful”? Unless this is a “Is Joe Flacco a elite QB?” joke or my C in High School English was well-earned.
Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year. Trump was bad, this is downright terrifying. How can the party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when they are backing a candidate who may be a serial child molester? It’s not like he took a couple free…
You probably remember the rules of chess, but what’s actually happening there on the board? How many moves are…
Thomas the Tank Engine, as a children’s book and TV series, may be vaguely authoritarian, but as a toy, it’s weirdly…
This was the quintessential “we’re all going to burn in hell for liking football” game.
His. Legs. Did. Not. Move. Scary shit.
He grabs his back, immediately calls for help, doesn’t move his legs, and covers his face/no thumbs up on the way out.