
No shit - this is exactly why my wife and I moved from Iowa City to Washington this year. Even in the most liberal city in Iowa, the subtle white supremacy has been building for a while. After Trump was elected it seemingly became more acceptable to share your disgusting deportation wet dreams.

Update: Oh man.

You blew a once in a lifetime headline.

Yeah, black-on-black violence is something Deadspin would never celebrate:

My heart just broke for Taylor when they had to take him off the field, especially since it was clear he had been just forcing himself through since the start of the game. After all that hassle for the QB position for it to end like that.

Great googly moogly.

Roy Moore was reportedly thrilled that Alabama wound up in the slot of something born in 2014.

Maybe don’t lose to Auburn and not even win your division and we’re not having this debate.

Spot on - I wasn’t surprised to see that Alabama was chosen as #4. I hope they get their asses kicked.

Shouldn’t that read:

Steel columns meant to come down clearly in place. 

This is my too-long explanation. Source: self, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) certified.

True story and apologies in advance for the long post: 7 or so years ago we had a local pick-up bball rivalry with some folks from South Jersey (we’re in Philly). Every Sunday morning in the summer we’d meet up to run a game, intense/same players each week/occasional wagering type atmosphere. One morning we got there

Maybe if the bin was wearing the other team’s colors...

Could we have done it differently? I guess you argue that we could’ve, yes: The Ben McAdoo Story

I will dance and sing the day Trump is assassinated or dies from some cardiovascular issue. I don’t care how it happens, I want that orange piece of shit in a fucking grave.

Rot in hell Donald Trump.

By way of comparison, NBC only let one employee go today.

Long time lurker, first time caller.

My giant Great Dane puppy and my old cocker mix.