I’m not sure it’s as terrifying as you think it is.
I’m not sure it’s as terrifying as you think it is.
I know nothing about this man, but I get the feeling that at no point during his marriage to this woman, did it ever matter to him whether his wife was consenting to sex or not.
Not necessarily. It could include “if, then” statements just like an AD.
Could we (as a society) create some vehicle for legal future consent? Like an advance directive, but like “Hey caretakers, don’t get in the way of my sex life with my husband” at some later date, with bounds for what is reasonable?
How charitable of you.
Yeah, I really don’t understand the inclination to assume the absolute worst of total strangers based on zero evidence (and I’m not trying to be a jerk to OP, I just see this attitude a lot and it honestly confuses me).
I really wish I knew more about this situation. I think we do a great diservice to elderly people by assuming they are no longer sexual beings.
I agree it sounds like he was informed. But, just as a hypothetical, what if he has early dementia/Alzheimer’s? He’s 78 so not out of the realm of posibility. Maybe he completely forgot the conversation with the doctors and thought she consented when he was visiting with her?
Not trying to justify, just a thought that…
So are children of nursing home residents. I worked in a nursing home as a teenager; my mother is still a nurse at one. She’s told me many stories of residents in dementia wards getting it on with each other— and the only people who are really horrified are the children. “Ick, Mom/Dad is too old for that!” My mom, who…
All of the commentators are in arms about this because it appears they’ve decided to completely believe the prosecution’s version of events. That’s usually a bad idea!
Yeah, I honestly don’t know....my aunt died of early onset dementia and one of the early signs was that she started acting out sexually. I have no idea (not do I want to know) whether she and my uncle had sex towards the end. But honestly, if they did, I wouldn’t care. They loved each other. Physical contact can give…
Yes, but the article also makes clear that many nursing homes and nursing home staff are fairly anti-sex when it comes to their residents.
My husband to our 5 year old, “just keep that under your hat.”
I was like, how long was this party?!
“All right, gentlemen. First step is each of you is going to fully immerse himself in the drum of lubricant.”
I’m thinking it’s totally fake or mostly oral if real.
That’s one reason this seems like a fake letter.
Good lord, thank you. Even if this was all consensual and cool by all parties- now that she’s pregnant and reality set it? Time to blame her. Because you know, our bodies shut it down if we don’t want it.
She might not have failed to use a condom, birth control fails. Hopefully she used one.
Pornsex is awesome! :D