
I knew a guy whose dad had him at 60 odd. He was about 25 and had had to move back home to take care of his divorced father in his declining years. Now that many people live well into their 90s he may have had another decade as a carer (and full time worker) in front of him. Fun, fun, fun.

LOL. I don’t know who you think you’re talking to. Quit confusing every woman with the one who dumped you.

Seriously. The best part about being that age is you can still have an active sex life and NOT worry about getting pregnant. (Though still use protection, mature ladies and gentlemen.)

Well, 100% of marriages end in divorce or death.

I get that logic, but being married does not automatically mean one person will not be fuck over the other person. If I were married to my ex and in the same situation (having signed a month to month lease on a house owned by his mother, at his urging but also with his support and promise that we’d live there happily

Oh boohoo. You bought into gender essentialism just as much as she did. But rather than re-examine how society’s standards are detrimental for men and women you’d rather blame your wife and women in general. Why is that?

Holy fuck. I have my own baggage around women and dating, but this guy takes the cake. Either he’s a troll or fucked in the head.

It looks like she is looking for someone in her own age range, while the guys in her age range are looking for significantly younger women. Honestly, it seems like the age range most guys online go for gets set at about 23 and doesn’t change til they hit 45 or so.

Seriously. My Busia is about to turn 82. She still drives and lives in her own home, and has an active social life. She still travels, and does your typical awesome Busia stuff like taking her grandkids (now grown) out to lunch and spoiling the hell out of us. That is what your golden years should look like, not

I found this kind of judge-y, it was just closer to making a positive judgment than a negative one.

That...doesn’t make any sense. (Not you, the source.) If you’re using donor eggs, it would have to be IVF, not IUI. It wouldn’t be cost- or time-effective to ... put donor eggs into the uterus and ALSO put the sperm in their separately. Like, that doesn’t even make sense.

Uh, if you’re post-menopause, sperm ain’t goin’ to get you pregnant. That’s all artificial insemination IS. Sperm put into you not by a penis.

What’s the point of getting old if you can’t spend all your time day drinking, lady lunching, and definitely not changing the diapers of four newborns?

The women of the world are grateful that you have chosen to stop bothering us.

Yeah, but that doesn’t prevent the break up. The break up has to happen and it’s obviously going to hurt the person. In my case we had only been together a few months so it wasn’t like I was devastating a years-long relationship. I was trying to NOT do that. But there didn’t seem to be a nice way to do it. Did not

“Women all turn into your mother after 3 years.”

Wait, do they all turn into my mother, or your mother? Or the mother of whoever they are dating that time? Seems like outcomes could be radically different depending on the answer to that question (and what kind of mother the dude in question has).

She can certainly do as she likes, but it seems a bit selfish on her part IMO.

What happened to getting a fucking cat when you’re an old lady? Who are this doctors helping this nut job have kids at 65? Do Germany have any rules about artificial insemination?

Whether it was a man or a woman doing this, it’s incredibly unfair to the children.

Agreed. I give doctors serious sideeye for enabling these decisions.