
Eeek. I hope you’ve found some semblance of normality since then :(

like the flu/ebola theories that it’s been engineered to kill a bunch of us, or make us dependent and sick? what if chemtrails are actually deer ticks holding tiny rucksacks of Lyme-infested gluten?

And don't smoke.


Can we just stop policing women's bodies for a minute? I'm not a big fan of hers in general but everything she says here is dead on.

If Giuliana ever needs some extra fat, to make soap out of or whatever, I would be willing to help.

Remember that your stomach itself makes acid every time you eat (spinach, kale, or otherwise). As soon as the acid-food mixture leaves the stomach, your pancreas neutralizes the acid with bicarbonate. The amount of bicarbonate it secretes depends on how much acid is present. So go ahead and eat the extra acid in

Haven't heard anything about it here. Although my understanding is it's the Academy who ended the program because its members were like "Wait, we're endorsing food now?" which is against its own rules. As far as I can tell, it doesn't have anything to do with the cheesiness of the alleged cheese.

Frank, since over 95% of people with celiac disease not aware they have it your advice does not seem sound.


I really don't understand the hate. If somebody else isn't eating gluten, what's it to you?

I agree that calories aren't the whole story (I used that example to illustrate the effect) but I think you have your example backwards, Fats promote satiety. If I want to be full for a long time, I'm going for the double cheeseburger.

Who's imposing anything on anybody?

Hmm, yes. But marking foods that are otherwise gluten free as GLUTEN FREE because people don't know exactly what they should or shouldn't purchase after an initial diagnosis is...fine? I mean, I haven't seen a huge mark up on Rice Krispies in my area, they're still the same price (taking into account the price

How many cereal commercials have there been over the years that have advertised nutrition " part of a balanced breakfast!" while showing a bowl sitting with glasses of milk AND OJ, a plate of eggs, a banana, etc.? Even when I was relatively young and naive, I found that pretty funny.

You don't know what's in that smoothie. It's probably apple juice and green gummy bears. I have a smoothie rant I'm saving for another time...

Yes, but it is also self-selecting. As in, if you are genetically blessed with a high metabolism/are naturally thin, you might gravitate more towards that line of work? I’m sure both are true, I’m not sure there’s ever going to be a way to quantify it, either way.

“My dad dated a lot of supermodels.”

omg this is the best story and also the most bonding thing ever i love this

During my first week of law school, the woman sitting next to me in the lecture hall turned to me, white as a ghost and said, “You’re a nurse, right? You have to help me. My left boob just exploded.” We both managed to exit the lecture hall without making a total scene. Turns out she had saline implants that were