don't feel bad, you're not a lying liar or anything. You just have a bad memory and easily confuse exciting things that happen to strangers with mundane things that happen to you. Memory's tricky, man.
don't feel bad, you're not a lying liar or anything. You just have a bad memory and easily confuse exciting things that happen to strangers with mundane things that happen to you. Memory's tricky, man.
I bet your bookcase is simply huge.
You are quite funny.
Whoah. Penn Jillette melted.
you stop being so reasonable right now!
has anyone made a "sponge worthy" joke yet?
Penn Jillette's righteous rage is a substance stronger than alcohol, cocaine, nicotine or caffeine. True facts. That's really why he has never bothered with those other things.
eep, I just read the part about the wine and oral, somehow, when I said it wasn't visually interesting. Never mind
it's a perfectly nice fantasy, but it doesn't really translate into something visually interesting, y'know? Like, I don't actually want to change positions 15 times while having sex in real life, but I totally watch porn with those acrobatics, because it's just boring to watch most (not all!) performers do the same…
that is the perfect description
she didn't take him to a doctor because a doctor might report the burns. So she (and scumbag) would've probably just kept him home from daycare when he was injured.
I can see why you would think that no mother would leave her kid with this man if there were any other option. But I've seen it happen with my own eyes. I have seen my SIL choose to leave her kid with an abusive drunk when her own parents and siblings —-all stable, healthy people who love my nephew —- would watch…
Yes. We have to stop thinking of cases of the mother losing custody (permanently or temporarily" as punishment for the mother, though. It's just a thing that must be done sometimes for everyone's safety, full stop. Children are not possessions we take away from naughty women, but human beings who have a right to be…
I was liking Joephia.
we don't know they did to into her email. If the Emil was between this lady and, say, her daughter-in-law, it's possible that the boys were shown the email by the intended recipient
another theory: the email could have been shown to the sons by the recipient(s). I'm thinking either the boys' dad or one (or both) of the boys' spouses. Leaning toward the spouses; she seems like the type to have strong opinions about whether her son could do better and how often the spouse should be reminded of…
I've seen that, too, but I think in this case, she would say that if it were true. I also think it's a lot less likely, though not impossible, for that to be the case with more than one kid in a family. I can see it with an only child or one of a few siblings. My mom actually has 7 siblings and one is totally the…
Slouching Potato is my new band name. That is all.
I wouldn't even call it shaming, it's just sort of a herd instinct thing. I remember my kindergarten had a uniform, which I didn't quite match (my jumper was a hand-me-down, like two shades lighter than the other girls') and even though none of the kids ever said a word (probably didn't notice) about uniforms or…
SNAP and other poverty relief programs do take local price differences into account, at least on state levels, because they are state allocated. The federal government doesn't just say "X amount of food stamps per person" or anything.