
I lived in the Mountain Time Zone when my kids were little, so the ball drop in NYC was televised at our 10 PM. Worked pretty well; the kids were up two hours past bedtime instead of four and they got to actually ring in the new year.

Incidentally, nits do have toxins. So we should pick at them.

That sounds like you can't take a type of psych drug. I find it very unlikely that Ritalin has the same effect on you as lithium, say.

you're absolutely right. The Church of Scientology even has an official-sounding group, "Citizens Commission on Human Rights" that publishes their anti-med propaganda.

damn phone. Disgusting.

The fact that lemon Oreos exist is more is gusting than this video.

I always think he looks like a middle school gym teacher.

Wow. I'm really sorry. All I can think is that maybe your husband has some learned helplessness issues that he needs to deal with and/or he was just overwhelmed by the situation. When I get too afraid of doing the wrong thing, I sometimes end up doing nothing which is worse or just as bad—-maybe there's some of

Whoah! Did Grandma mention the toaster before the holiday or anything?

wtf. Your SIL is a piece of work.

ah! My aunt is very sweet, not very seat! Stupid phone...

Easy. You remind her of Angelina Jolie, circa 1999-2001.

I have a very seat aunt who takes notes of things I don't have in my kitchen every time she visits. Two years ago she dropped in for coffee and saw that I had no cushions on my kitchen chairs. Bam, cushions for my next Christmas gift. Last year she was at my house for Christmas and took note of my trying to

Snuggy: you are lonely and sad watching television with no one to cuddle you

my strpmother* literally sat at my kitchen table and taught me how to use makeup last night, as my gift to her. I am not kidding. My husband looked at us funny but she was truly delighted and agreed when I said "No, really, she would've done this when I was 14 if she had known Adderall would help me sit still long

yeah, that and there's like a few pics of him with a tutu or nail polish, but his hair and most of his clothes are pretty gender-conforming, and he hasn't (that we know of) asked to be called Kendra or something. Whether his parents just don't let him go full-on long-hair, dresses and all or if he's just a typical

that seems pretty dope, actually. I'm not on speaking terms with my next door neighbor anyway. At least if my neighbor was my ex, I'd know why he avoids me, and not be going "maybe he's just shy" on some days and "oh fuck, he hates me because ______" on others.

I'm glad you're out of that relationship. Hurray for sisters who are willing to speak up!

Not just dangerous, but damn expensive! Who is that free and generous with their weed?

I just want to be the first person to comment (on this article) that young David Letterman is basically Napolean Dynamite. That is all.