Mini Moose

yup Lower Decks pretty much came out of the door swinging so thats why im okay with it having a five season run.

i mean thats good. five seasons is a good run especially when youre a streaming only show. as much as i dont care for Discovery setting the 5 season limit is a good idea. you can tell all you really need to tell in 5 season. TNG started petering out in season 6 and you can tell by season 7 they were just making

i believe Marvel has all the rights for animation so they can kind of do whatever they want. its how they’re able to make that upcoming Spider-Man cartoon thats been in production since like 2021. its the film rights that are all fucky.

X-Men ‘97

ive been doing that since season 2. 

wasnt there a 4400 reboot not too long ago?

late last year it was making the rounds here and other tech sites. its a nothing burger of a device. its only making any “news” is because the creators are former Apple engineers. oh and the video they made for it is hilariously awful

With the long-hyped Humane AI Pin finally hitting the streets Thursday...

im honestly more surprised its not set after Returns since that would give you more room to wiggle and can introduce more of the Rouge gallery. 

third time’s the charm, right?

more than likely its coming back due to contractual obligations. cheaper to make the show than to pay everyout and then use it as a tax write off in the future.

kind of sounds like you never had any fun dates

yeah any science museum has one of these. plus they probably clean them regularly so people arent going to catch covid or something

well okay...

i mean his story is done. hes beyond the Wall away from the bullshit of the 7 6 Kingdom. hes one of the few characters who deserves a happy ending.

man, this looks really good

what do you mean? they said it was like Egon’s ghost in Afterlife.

those AI remasters suck balls.

id be okay if theyre using this to set up Galactus. like how they said the Holland Spider-Man movies were a set up to him being the Spider-Man we know, they make like 3 FF movies where in the third one we finally get Galactus.