Mini Moose

man, that was my Dads favorite movie last year. he wouldnt stop talking about it for months. he really doesnt like spooky demon movies but loved this. everytime im always like “i need soemthing to watch” he always suggest it. i really do need to get around to watch it. it doesnt look that bad. just a bit goofy tbh,

huh, i didnt know the old Arcade game was based on the Pryde of the X-Men pilot. 

i wish it would

a boy can dream

im so tired of this AI bullshit. i cant way for it to go away

man what happened to her sucked. they were so stupid to fire her. like they rebooted the franchise around her. im glad shes back on her feet because Abigail looks pretty good

i mean its not that bad. when i was watching the original as a kid it made me super curious about the comics. so when i did eventually read those comics it was much more awarding. its like reading those kids books that are just big summaries of classic books but with a lot of illustrations.

yeah i was gonna say. i remember they would go through arcs like it was a race. same with the Spider-Man cartoon. 

look. i have no intention of seeing this movie, but im not going to lie that throwback trailer was great

so can i just buy the phone and not buy the Boost plan?

oh this looks good and weird. i cant wait

hmm... looks interesting ,but something tells me its not going to be good.

can it really be a reboot if the story never ends?

money. with the election coming up they can grift

hmm... interesting. thats a lot of facehuggers. 

god this looks so good!

there was rumors about Ryan Gosling being attached to a upcoming Marvel movie. i mean... its like perfect casting


it looks better than some of their past trailers.