Mini Moose

this is what this AI shit should be used for. dumb things like movie recommendations, not taking people’s jobs.

making her a Mutant is so fucking stupid. all its gonna do is give her baggage she doesnt need. shes gonna be roped into endless X-Men bullshittery for now until eternity, unless they reton her out. Peter Parkers can never grow up, and the X-Men can never win. making her one of them is probably the worst things that

ugh. i knew it wasnt going to stay dead forever. plus with the MCU’s new obsession with the multiverse we gotta have that “Corporate Synergy” going on, but i just hope they learn their lesson and make it a clean slate. we dont need anymore Ultimatum bullshittery.

using your phone as a webcam should have always been a feature. 

so nothing is really changing?


this looks a little try hardy but funny. i might seek this out

funny enough Jack deleted his Bluesky account recently. he doesnt like how Bluesky is basically being used as a twitter replacement and not some shitty scamcoin crypto bro mecca. hes been using his old twitter and advocating for the shit bag RFK Jr.

its called the Enterprise(2001) Maneuver

because fans

holy fuck

...“instead of the heavy emo of season four.”

wow, that was kind of fast wasnt it? i thought it was a 45 day wait before it came out on digital with a lot of WB movies. it wont even be 40 days since it was released.

when has that stopped a comic event?

i dont think Carpenter holds any of his movies sacred.

i mean it still sounds like they’re still going to charge people install fees. unless they fully backpedal off i wouldn’t count this as a win yet.

cool, we can send Musk there instead

heres to hoping he gets a submarine trip to Guantanamo Bay