Mini Moose

i fucking LOVE tiny Godzilla! its such a good idea. they always keep making him bigger and bigger, and that terrible anime trilogy went as far as you can go with the idea.

oh this looks awful. i thought they were just gonna make an anthology show like the original. not some weird serialized mishmash tv show. i mean yeah, that worked for the movies but those are movies, and really just the first one.

sounds like this Ghostwriter977 needs to be sued

color me shocked 

no it was a bad show, but its also why i think its being used a lot. Voyager had a great premise and was full of awesome ideas but failed at executing almost everything. 

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were they from the Judean People’s Front or the Judean People’s Front?

yeah and in those 6 years Voyagers gotten a lot better

is still a bad show. its just aged better compared to of the newer shows. 

Musk is gonna get us all killed because of his mishandling of twitter long before the “Singularity” will happen.

Voyager has aged better.

i always kind of figured Tommy would grow up to be a Jedi

yeah but the Star Wars fanbase isnt particularly nice to its actors in the first place.

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this sounds more like someone doing a Trump impression than a AI thing. i wouldnt be surprised since this was posted on Trumps website he okayed the whole thing.

if i remember right the Spiderwick stuff had finished filming. they hadnt started any post production so it wasnt exactly “in the can

holy fuck this looks so much better than it has any right too. i honestly cant wait! i love this dude. ive been wondering where hes been.

no problem. if theyre gonna make a article about a web page they could have at least screenshotted it. or at least more of it so it made sense so we could tell what exactly they were writing about

since y’all didnt want to include an actual screenshot that makes sense...

the Director Commentary for Wrath of Khan is great. especially the scene where Khan is introduced. Nicholas Meyers talks about how Montalban just came in and nailed it. he couldnt come and do normal rehearsals because he was doing Fantasy Island at the time. Meyers talks about how he was scared because he was such a

Somehow, Musk also thinks this move would reduce clickbait.

oh this looks neat.