Mini Moose

i think they meant it in the way cops use the logo and branding IRL instead of in universe.

just kill the whole persona off. you cant clean it. 

i swear at 1:12 he says “juan piece”

ive honestly seen more comments complaining about the “fan boys” than the actual fan boys themselves. 

that looked fun. its an interesting way to get around Captain Marvel being too OP 

i bet theyre doing all of this just to push back the date for Aquaman 2 again

and the twist is that theyre in Florida 

was that Tony Todd?

ew, this is ugly. should have just used 10's since theyre going for a full throwback to the Tennant era

an other slam dunk for Spez. good going tiger

an other home run for Spez

i mean yeah. its because of the strike and to pump up interest for Marvels coming out in November.

There are enough rules in RPGs that the last thing we need is outside forces coming in to try and regulate how we gather together to play games. [...] With a small, but ever growing stable of full-time employees who rely on the success of our content to survive and to have access to health care, there is nothing

so... like those interactive DVD’s?

im on my computer and theres no trailer. its not embeddable and they made the link kind of hard to skim for. so here you go

the unseen or heard of 50th Sister so they can keep pulling them out of their asses for the next 3 decades like all the Jedi who survived Order 66

wonder how this is gonna work with the actors going on strike too. since those panels are usually advertisments for movies and whatever, unless a deal magically comes through in the next few days Comic Con panels are DOA

well RIP

i still like the theory that Fury in the show isnt the real Nick Fury. just a Skrull whos so deep that he doesnt know who he is anymore. 

yeah im kind of in that boat. im kind of not wanting to watch it anymore. i was flipping through netflix last night and saw it, then it also said this season was a “two parter” so i just went and watched something else.