Mini Moose

its just the edgier grim dark remake of Conspiracy

everything old is new again

oh nice! i remember hearing about these over a year ago. i wonder why it took them so long to bring them to the US.

ive noticed my reddit usage has been going down this past month. i rarely visit the site much the last few weeks. i dont blame the mods or and admins, theyre both in really bad spots because this is all Spez’s fault. not giving third party apps enough time to switch over, lying about the Apollo guy, and now this

to be fair, they kind of have in the past.

i dont know who these people are but i trust James Gunn enough. plus it doesnt matter as long as the movies good.

oh man i saw that video the other day. it was so clearly fake. im hoping shes just an idiot because its so clearly a show put on for her visit because if not shes an asshole.
here a link to a twitter upload since the inbed in the post is gone

but is Lord Slug gonna have the Funimation dub music score with Disturbed, Deftones, and Finger Eleven?

... I guess, welcome to making a movie.

the DCEU is dead. thats what the #Snyderverse was officially called. The Flash and the upcoming Aquaman movies are just the last vestiges of it because they were filmed before Gunn was hired.

Kevin Smith just needs to shut the fuck up at this point. 

this looks awful, but in a good way. i love me some good schlock

oh fuck off with that noise.

someone buy this for me

so im guessing the twist of the movie is the kid is some kind of demon or other worldly being. his parents are just trying to protect him from harm because others are trying to get to him. theyre either demons themselves or used blackmagic to restore their kid, and all the spooky stuff is the people trying to get to