Mini Moose

isnt he Homo-Supreme? Homo-Superior is mutants

what the hell

its the start of the media blitz. the movie is coming out in December so they’re starting to ramp it up. they usually start hard 3 months before so expect to hear a lot more about what Cameron has to say. 

Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy just told you to go ahead and make a Star Wars movie. Do you push the envelope and try something new?

yeah. the multiverse is the thing right, now so why not? plus it would be fun to see those three bastards play off each other.

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i remember seeing this video a while back of a guy doing a makeover for the Soul Sucker

The show’s second and final season has a trailer at last...

because how else are we supposed to know hes a strong if hes not buff as hell?

doesnt really look like much. just a bit darker but that could be the lighting, more defined abs, some silver highlights on his boots and belt, and his insignia looks raised/more 3D-ish

i know the general consensus is to hate this show and everything new, but honestly i really kind of like the show. the last episode really carried most of it but i still enjoyed it. yeah it was clunky and slow a lot but it wasnt BoBF bad.

he was only in it for like a minute and a half, so its completely understandable

you know the answer to that

thats the thing. Discovery shows are super cheap to produce compared to stuff on HBOMax

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apparently Supergirl was in the phantom zone and was given to Darkseid by Vandal Savage. Granny Goodness convinced Mary Marvel to join Darkseid since Zatanna basically told her she was too emotionally unstable to join her team.

season 2 is good. three is a disaster but a lot of four makes up for it but its no where near as good as the original two seasons. they just add too much and theres not that much focus. 

FINALLY! god, the revival of this show was so bad. you had to have a wiki open most of the time to figure out which character was who. it was so unnecessary convoluted because they would focus on so many characters. i get that they wanted to show how expansive everything had gotten but it got in the way of an actual

oh i love that one. im not a fan of a lot of the bots, or i guess how subreddits use them. a lot of the more fan subreddits have multiple bots that reply with trigger words and its so fucking annoying. the only decent ones are that Game of Thrones subreddit and r/letterkenny. r/prequelmemes has way too many and i had


nah, you are. dont be so down on yourself