Mini Moose

its been a long time but having the webslinger part of Peter might not have been his idea. the old James Cameron scripts for Cannon Films had it too. like theres the infamous scene where the webbing is a metaphor for puberty when Peter wakes up to it being everywhere. 

youre totally right. its just shes not in the story all that much. i guess Snow wasnt in the original Hunger Games movies all that much either. i just never saw her as the bad guy in the book when i read it.

but shes not really the villain though? shes just a huge evil bitch but shes not the bad guy in the book. are they going to bump up her presence? because shes not in it all that much. especially after the first half of the book once Snow is banished.

The YouTuber said that he’d been on the receiving end of bullying and hate and feels unsafe leaving his house. According to Escalona, he and his wife were even kicked out of a restaurant in Madrid because the manager didn’t want “undesirables.”

thats because youre looking it from a more modern movie standard and not a Sam Raimi movie. raimi movies always gloss over the technicals like that. like how does Ash retrofit a chainsaw on his arm, or everything that happened in Army of Darkness? you just accept that it works and go along with it because that doesnt

i think the main issue most people had with the first ASM suit was the stupid green eyes

nothing dies anymore. it just gets rebooted, reimagined, or gets a revival.

right?! ive been reading it since about 2008 and i remember half these articles like they were brand new

its funny. most of the Marvel universe is indifferent to the superhero wars every couple of months just like people who read the comics are. 

his star wars books are the best. its what really got me into reading them.

isn’t this a High Republic era show? i thought it was canon that Plagueis was Sheev’s master? i know its kind of ambiguous in Episode 3, but i thought Tarkin made it official?

how about twitter just turns itself off from September to... well forever? i mean that would cut down on a lot of misinfo.

i had a one gig Creative MuVo back in 2005. back when it cost $30 for a 64mb flash drive. i didnt learn till halfway through my second semester at college that i could jsut use it as a normal flash drive and keep my music on it too. it was so fucking handy at the time. plus it was so small when back then it was

i really dont know how i feel about this...

sounds like someone doesnt read Sutter Cane

yeah but this seems like its going beyond that though. usually when a new boss comes in like this they at least let whats far into production to continue then just dump it unceremoniously. almost everything, but Batgirl, has been killed inbetween seasons or before it got too far into production.

yeah i wanted to be a little optimistic.

they were canceled back in May a month or so after the merger was complete. 

i dont think this is a theory my guy.