Mini Moose


I could do it. Ive seen Bio-Dome a couple of hundred times

Me and one of my friends were talking the other day and she brought up a good point. Marvel is advertising the hell out of Peggy Cap when Sam Wilson was given the mantel less than half a year ago. Outside of the finale of FaTWS you barely see any advertisement for him.

is still the funniest thing Star Wars has ever done. Like Star Wars has a lot of dumb just go with the flow don’t think to much about moments, but that by far was the funniest thing ever.

Just ask Santa for it. Its what Im going to do.

Oh shit, does that mean they’ll talk about that crazy SNES Jurassic Park Part 2 game? I loved that game. I rented it all the time. It was more fun than the first one where youre Alan Grant doing toe touches.

that would make it to easy for kids to slack off.


Cowboys and Aliens is a great movie to watch on FX or whatever channel. I dont think I could sit through it in the theaters and Im glad I didnt. For as campy as the premise is it took itself way to serious. 

I know other people have pointed this out, but I wonder if this is why kept pushing it back so much. Disney probably figured it was cheaper to deal with a settlement than to give her the percentage do to how much money they lost.

RTD only stuck around for 5, Chibnall for 5 once his time is up, so Moffatt with this 8 is the outlier now

I dont think they’re getting worse. I think Marvel is leaning more into the cartoony/fantasy aspect of the movies. That makes the CGI looks weird compared to earlier movies where they were more grounded since theres no frame of reference to mimic. 

Im surprised that show is still going. I lost interest the season when Pam got skinny from doing all that coke. 

Looks like a cross between Blade Runner, Escape from New York, and those weird French scifi movies. 

Its been a while since Ive seen that episode but wasnt he like a huge dick to people?

Leslie Jones was the best part of the 2016 movie. Well her and Thor. But I remember the trailers made her looks fucking annoying. It was just her screaming and yelling. So when I watched the movie it was a big surprised she was the most normal, level headed, realistic one.

Slimer... were home

Oh yeah I remember that. Its just I didnt actually expect them to get them together since they tried to force her and Louis in the second one. 

Wait, did Janine and Egon get together?

Oh it doesnt hold up at all! Its just fun to watch because its an interesting concept. They went meta instead of a direct sequel like any normal person would do, and that makes it great. But other than that its bad. The acting, the plot, the “twist” just so bad. It doesnt have that wink at the camera that a meta movie