Mini Moose

Thats why the only good sequel is Book of Shadows. Ive been watching a lot of Burn Notice lately and Ive been waiting for Michael Westen to straight up murder Bruce Campbell.

Yeah from the clips Ive seen Whittaker sees like shes a good Doctor. I just dont care enough to watch it.

If theyre combing through social media then that means comment sections are free game for now.

The Paranormal Activity movies are the go to example of a simple idea being stretched to thin. It should have been a one and done or just an anthology of found footage movies. No dumb storyline, just cheap jump scares. Yeah the allure would have worn out eventually but they’d be remembered a lot better.

I cant wait to read all about how this season will ruin Doctor Who more whenever it comes out. I stopped watched mid Capaldi because I was tired of the Moffatt bullshittery. I have no horse in the game anymore, but its fun reading how much “cHibnalL IS rUINiNG the dOctoR”. Something about it just so funny to me.

Oh really? I didnt know that. 

sucks to be you, it was good

Yeah other shows have done it, usually the cartoons. They come out in batches. But I think it was because of the massive time in between that made Lucifer standout. Plus Lucifer was basically done if I remember right. The last minute Netflix greenlight a season six so they had to rework the ending then the pandemic

Its probably being canceled because no one watched it. I dont think anyone really covered this show when it aired, then the pandemic happened, so AMC is probably cutting its loses.

Theres holographic ships in season 3 of Discovery... so youre not wrong. And yeah, holograms really did break Star Trek but theyre also good way to avoid the Data problem even if they are their own can of worms. Its why the Doctor was only in the medical bay and, so far, the only one with the holoemitter

yeah I do. if I didnt then I wouldnt be a star trek fan now would I?

same here. its the perfect set up for a joke too.

Maybe we’ll get an update on Nick Locarno

Oh I do too, but its not out yet. 


Im pulling this out of my ass but HOLOGRAMS!

I like the ship design.


Yeah I was about to say. Thats the only thing I really remember from that awful movie.