I hope he never goes back. He’s so much better than these Marvel movies.
I hope he never goes back. He’s so much better than these Marvel movies.
Couldn’t agree more. Why were there so many sitcoms with an intelligent, talented, capable woman paired up with a mean loser who just insults her all day? And the women were always wayyy out of these guys’ leagues, too— just by intelligence alone, but usually also with looks. I don’t get it, I’ve never got it. I…
Same. I hated the show-- he was so nasty to everyone, but especially her. He was just mean.
The main reason I never liked that show was just how mean he was to everyone. I couldn’t understand why his wife put up with it. I wanted her to walk out every time he spoke to her, and I wanted her to take those kids with her. He was just a nasty, horrible person.
People horrify me. Putting a chid through all this over something that was legal at the time. Punishing her mother fr trying to help her. This is evil.
I get that, but how is the girl supposed to get them in the first place? This entire situation was unnecessary and evil to put a teenager through.
This is evil. You make it impossible to get a legal abortion, and then punish women for finding a way around that.
This is the ONLY Trek I’ve enjoyed for years, and honestly, after Picard, now that Prodigy is dead, I think I’m done with Trek. I’ll buy the dvds and desperately hope someone else picks it up, but Star Trek is making me hate Star Trek.
I loved the first Deadpool- they had to work hard to make sure the script was as good as it could get before doing it because no one wanted them to do it. But Deadpool 2 was awful. I don’t really have high hopes for this one.
I’m old too and don’t know her, so I watched videos about all this and looked into it. She had children reach into her trousers to pull out food and then made jokes on twitter about him grabbing her genital warts. She had little girls on stage and insulted them and said they were ‘porn’ because they were wearing…
I have been watching Trek since I was about 3 years old. Prodigy is the only New Trek that I have enjoyed. It was clever, it was funny, and it wasn’t afraid to do something new. It is a huge mistake to cancel this show. More and more, I am disillusioned by Trek, and feel unseen and unrepresented. Especially after Picar…
I’m so disgusted and angry that Prodigy is done. It’s the ONLY new Trek I’ve been able to connect with, and I am so, so sad that it’s done. I desperately hope they can find a new home for this show because it’s so clever and so fun.
I loved Deadpool, but hated DP2, I just couldn’t enjoy it.
Please stop with all the reboots and remakes and reinvisioning. If I want to watch Magnum, P.I., I’ll watch Tom Selleck. If I want to watch Starsky & Hutch, I won’t watch the reboot, I’ll watch the proper, original version.
I agree. As a gay European who has lived in America, the toxic masculinity there is really a serious issue and men are not allowed to talk about anything, let alone serious issues really bothering them.
George is killed on Hannibal.
The movie was just so bad.
Two forgotten shows that I was really into were VR5 and Earth 2. They were both sci-fi shows that were just starting to get interesting when they were cancelled. They’re two of the few shows I’d actually really welcome a reprisal for.
I didn’t realise Elizabeth Mitchell was in this. I might give it a try just because of her, I rather do like her.