ally micklegammit

Also, maybe I’m reading the article incorrectly, but didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?

thats because racism has not only been legitimized, its been deemed patriotism.

“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.

This. Fuck Trump for making me wish we had even the borderline competence of a GWB administration.

Now playing

It’s amazing. Dubya—as dumb as he is— actually can form coherent thoughts and complete sentences.

Trump makes W seem smart. How far we’ve fallen.

Trump makes GWB look like a saint. That’s not a small feat.

When W. is the voice of reason, things are quite fucked up.

Just sayin’.

new miami? so florida man strikes again, but in ohio?

Most fairy tales are pretty fucked up, given that they started out as cautionary adages. It’s just that Beauty and the Beast has managed to make it through to the current century more or less intact in comparison to the more watered-down versions of Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty that we have today. Sleeping Beauty, in

You missed the woman’s AWESOME follow up. Bravo!

Seriously. I was coming here to comment that she needs to become “very close friends” with a better dresser or designer.

One of the worst dresses I’ve seen all day.

People in this country got the facts wrong - they suggested that it was "just" statutory rape, when in fact she testified that she was crying and asking him to stop. They said that since she said she forgave him that he should be let off because somehow that should matter more than the legal system of justice. Etc.

Not to drudge up old flame-wars, but there was a pretty big backlash against an article here right on Jezebel for their writers being rape apologists. The jezebel writers said the girl "looked older than 13" and "it was the 70s". Something to that extent.