How in the hell is this not called Duck Cunt?
How in the hell is this not called Duck Cunt?
That part stopped me dead. What the fuck, Virginia?
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.
I don’t need your lecture on the so-called inalienability of these rights I got the same lessons on the bill of rights. I can pass the test. I understand the concept. It’s a cute theory. However, I need to be practical and in reality it is inconsistently respected and the only thing that’s consistent in when its…
Also, for all the talk about the 1st Amendment, people have a very rough idea of what it actually means and how it can be restricted/regulated. Every time some Nazi says “WELL THE FIRST AMENDMENT...” I’m like okay Mr. Constitutional Scholar do tell...
I am finding myself increasingly unconvinced by whines about violations of the first amendment. Lots of other countries which are perfectly lovely to live in seem to manage without this absolutist idea that any and every bullshit idea even those that endanger minorities, should be respected and allowed to spew.
The right way to deal with being in from out of town:
Yawn. Call me when he dates a redhead. Lol kidding! That would never happen because we have fire crotches.
Wow so brave
Given GoDaddy’s other issues—their sexist commercials and trophy hunting scumbag CEO—I’d say ending their association with the Nazi website is a case of a stopped clock being right twice a day.
WHOIS is your friend
Go Daddy is no angel, they put up with no end of hateful, harassing content. Interesting to see what they finally decide is too far for them.
Likely their legal department got involved, or there were some inquiries high up about access or having to comply with requests for information about just who they were hosting. It hit the “More trouble/money than it’s worth.” level and they cast off the anchor.
Daily Stormer is extremely well known—if you google anything about shit like this, they come up. I have known about DS for years, I can’t imagine the company hosting their site and no fucking clue and no complaints ever.
Dan Savage made a point when discussing Hillary Clinton’s nineties stance on gay marriage.
Have you met GoDaddy?
Rules of business. Up until now they were a shitty website but not really well-known and shutting them down might drive other sites away.