
We have enough squirrels in Cleveland. Get them out beforehand.

Gonna take that a step farther. People who pull up to one of the 2 diesel/gas pumps to get gas when the rest of them are all gas onlyand vacant and the only other diesel/gas pump is occupied by someone else getting gas.

This pisses me the fuck off. GM and Takata employees can get off scott fucking free after causing deaths (through both gross negligence, and I think in Takata’s case: intent), but an engineer who made the whole of EPA and CARB look like idiots get sentenced to prison???

Problem solved!

Pfft! My Ford Focus RS was built in Germany. Would have not bought a Ford otherwise. 

Read mine cover to cover. You’d be an idiot not to.

I love reading car manuals, especially as of late, there are so many little interesting things to find in terms of not-so-obvious controls and features. Maybe I’m just weird that way.

PSA: Don’t use automated car washes. For any car.

Drive like a champion today!

It looks like he fought...

Well after reading the settlement, and the state agreeing to allow Volkswagen to only come up with a patch, and not a fix, I suspect the drive ability to not really be affected, hence why I’m not trading in my car.

Things you should never do in a CVT vehicle:
1) Drive a CVT vehicle

When [Modest Mouse lead singer Isaac] Brock left the scene he backed into a cop car, but he just drove off. Sometimes life is okay.

Speaking as a developer, and sometimes security consultant... $1,500 is a joke. $150, their low-water mark, is just - holy fuck. I can’t even process who on their digital team came up with that number.

You go on a killing spree, you don’t get the liberty of non-lethal force. Simple as that in my mind. If you held up a convenient store with a gun, and were in there and no one was hurt? Sure, let’s talk, I’ll send in pizza and a handheld so we can discuss your non-lethal surrender. You post up in a sniper nest, kill

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

Rarely ever wash my car (5x/yr.) I also only drive 3000 mi/yr. Something about volvos in a layer of dust...

I mean the autopilot obviously failed in the sense that it didn’t see a fucking truck. As designed, the driver is supposed to take over in that situation, and ultimately the fault rests with him, but I don’t think you can consider not seeing and avoiding a 12' high object in the middle of the road a non-failure.

Also, all new riders should do themselves a favor and follow ATGATT for at least a year until they develop their skills.

Call me when they sell this one -