
Because experts have shown themselves so many times to be wrong or self serving.

And because he touched it, the Fire would not only not break, but stand up on its own and finish the presentation.


No sweat off my back, I don't work for them, and complaining you don't like their phone just seems like Homer complaining to Moe that he just lost a customer, but Moe could not hear him or the rapid ringing of the cash register.

Exactly. It is humans who keep registering on our forum and posting ads for random sex sites.

Well, the face is about the same strength of your 3gs, and if you break the back glass, it only costs about $25 to replace it.

Not really lame.

Yes, the computation to handle siri is huge, but much of it is done cloudside. How would siri come programmed with information like how far is it to the moon in centimeters? Siri can answer all kinds of silly questions, certainly not stuff that is stored locally.

Unless you live in california, are getting RAPED by taxes, and are stuck with two mortgages because your original house you left to move to california is hopelessly underwater.

I would say so, since silk is finished and ready to go and already in tablets, it just needs a production run to have enough for the launch that is going to be about 1 month away.

Do you know how many plants one natural gas mine can serve in terms of output? Footprint is a big issue with solar. These types of plants are just not logical with our current methods of power distribution. They are also not financially sound, at least not any I have seen.

Most of those paragraphs were rephrases of the same paragraph. I don't get how having iCloud will mean we never buy another computer.

For the footprint that thing needs, 20 mw is pretty pathetic. Those tiny looking buildings to the upper left of the picture are about the footprint of a natural gas power plant that would put out 150 - 200 mw.

I am super impressed with siri. This guy has a fairly thick accent and Siri is kicking ass in terms of understanding him.

I would play a game of that before every football game my family watched. As a child born and raised in the shadow of Lambeau, that was a LOT.

I was worried about a new design more than I was looking forward to it. I really don't like the crazy thin itouch that came out last year, it feels more uncomfortable in my hand.

It is impractical because landing that thing on a runway is going to take a LOT of fuel to stop it. That fuel is more weight in the launch payload, which means more fuel to launch it as well. Payload is a HUGE problem for rockets and is insanely expensive per pound.

Yeah, Monsters Inc is still my favorite Pixar film. I would re-watch that on a bigscreen in 3d in a heartbeat.

That has been 3D for at least 2-3 years now. They release it in 3D in the theaters pretty much every halloween. I saw it 2 years ago in 3d. It was nice. Love that film.

How does air get in? If air gets in, how does water stay out?