
Most solutions people tout to fix the post office involve innovating or competing with others, duh, right? Problem is the post office really has its hands tied. Because they are affiliated with the government, congress can stop them from innovating, and HAS stopped them because congress has in the past been

Other than the silly/stupid robotic landing, that is pretty much how the shuttle was supposed to work. Too bad reality is a lot harder than a cgi video. The fact they are thinking about landing these things on runways vertically makes me think this is all completely clueless. That is so impractical/dangerous.

Ugh, hate oracle. They really don't give a shit about their customers, horrible support. Like a threading bug they have in 64 bit mode that has been there for YEARS and they won't fix it.

Still waiting for noscript for chrome. If they get full domain level script blocking on a whitelist basis, then I will jump over to chrome.

It seems like that, could someone who was there comment about the feel in the audience? There are certainly some ooh and aah moments, but not a tiny murmer of those oohs and ahhs from the crowd. just clicks.

I see early adopting like a rental fee. I KNOW it will drop in price, so I have to try to guess how much it will drop in price and how fast. If it drops $50 in 1 year I am still happy as long as I got $50 of 'value' out of it in that time period. Sometimes I am happy with that math, sometimes not.

Um... that statement will always be true so anyone following it would never buy any electronics. Not saying that is a bad thing, but probably not what most people reading Gizmodo would do.

I didn't read that in the article I read about the service. Do you have a link saying they are opening it up to non-dish subs?

I think it is just economics. Those high end phones are EXPENSIVE when not being subsidized by a cell contract.

What's up with the totally off topic jab at evangelicals?

I think you are exactly right. Jesus has replied, and he is in this case wrong about how this system is working. Right now it is just comparing your actual brain bloodflow data to the predicted bloodflow data of all 18 million seconds of video and picking the top X matches. Then it combines those X matches into a

This does not measure brainwaves. It is measuring blood flow. The fact that works at all is amazing. With blood flow there is no way you could reverse it, but I see no reason it could not work even better with future tech that can read high resolution brain waves.

Does Bit Torrent count as non harmful? I am talking about using it to get legal content. My ISP throttled me for using it, which is a joke because my ISP is so shitty their throttle cap was well above any speeds I actually see anyway.

Also, there is also a very similar, even grosser video from the same source of one of these eating a tree frog. In that one the whole back half gets exposed/cut open and the frog is still alive.

I have always wondered about dumpster diving. Can you get in trouble for this, or is it just a manager/employee asking you to leave as the worst that can happen?

I loved them all as well, I wonder if 789 would be more likely if people would stop all the damn personal attacks and attempts at career assassination. Hope that TV series is still on track as well, I haven't been keeping an eye on it.

And that is easier than 1 phone call telling them to turn off your communication connection? You can opt out.

Google didn't even get a slap on the wrist to my recollection. And they did it TWICE without telling anyone. The difference is that Onstar is telling people they are doing this and providing a way to opt out of it.

Used to, they just signed in the new patent bill that is changing our system to a first to file system. Not sure if there is a delay before it goes into effect though.

I think it is far more likely that the robber just stab the guy anyway. Not like gas is actually hurting him or anything.